The old man's talk rambled on, like a sluggish stream,while the colonel's more active mind busied itself withthe problem suggested by this unforeseen meeting.Peter and he had both gone out into the world, and theyhad both returned. He had come back rich andindependent. What good had freedom done for Peter?In the colonel's childhood his father's butler, old Madison,had lived a life which, compared to that of Peter at thesame age, was one of ease and luxury. How easy theconclusion that the slave's lot had been the morefortunate! But no, Peter had been better free. Therewere plenty of poor white men, and no one had suggestedslavery as an improvement of their condition. HadPeter remained a slave, then the colonel would haveremained a master, which was only another form ofslavery. The colonel had been emancipated by the sametoken that had made Peter free. Peter had returned homepoor and broken, not because he had been free, butbecause nature first, and society next, in distributing theirgifts, had been niggardly with old Peter. Had he beenbetter equipped, or had a better chance, he might havemade a better showing. The colonel had prosperedbecause, having no Peters to work for him, he hadbeen compelled to work for himself. He would set hisown success against Peter's failure; and he would takeoff his hat to the memory of the immortal statesman, whoin freeing one race had emancipated another and struckthe shackles from a Nation's mind.
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